Common System Files
File | AIX | Linux |
Password file | /etc/passwd | /etc/passwd |
Encrypted password file | /etc |
/etc/shadow |
Error logs |
Group files
Secure login |
etc/securetty |
DNS | /etc/resolv.conf
Hosts file | /etc/hosts | /etc/hosts |
Services | /etc/services | /etc/services |
Kernel | /usr |
/boot/vmlinuz |
Device files | ODM at /etc/objrepos | /dev |
Inittab | /etc/inittab | /etc/inittab |
inetd.conf | /etc/inetd.conf | /etc/inetd.conf |
File systems | /etc/filesystems | /etc/fstab |
Networking |
ODM database at
NFS exports
/etc/exports | /etc/exports |
System environment |
Common User-related
/etc/security/user | /etc |
New user profile | /etc/.profile | /etc/skel/*.* |
User limit | /etc/security/limits | /etc/security/limits.conf |
Specific Commands
Action | AIX | Linux |
Listing physical volumes (PV) | lspv | pvdisplay |
List partitions in a disk | lspv -l <disk> | fdisk -l <disk> |
List volume groups (VG) | lsvg | vgdisplay |
Create volume group | mkvg | vgcreate |
Remove volume group | rmvg | vgremove |
Add a PV to VG | extendvg | vgextend |
Remove a VG definition | exportvg | vgexport |
Remove a PV from VG | reducevg | vgreduce |
Import VG | importvg | vgimport |
Activate VG | varyonvg | vgchange |
List logical volume (LV) | lslv | lvdisplay |
Create LV | mklv | lvcreate |
Grow filesystems with LV | chfs | resize_reiserfs and resize2fs |
Shrink filesystem | chfs | resize_reiserfs and resize2fs |
Paging/Swap | lsps -a | procinfo
cat /proc/swaps
OS level | oslevel |
uname -a
cat /etc/SuSE-release
cat /etc/redhat-release
Run level | who -r | runlevel |
Uptime | uptime | uptime |
Performance | vmstat, ps, sar, topas, and nmon | vmstat, ps, sar, top, and nmon (if installed) |
List installed filesets | lslpp -l | rpm -qa |
Which fileset a file is in | which_fileset <name> | rpm -qf <path/name> |
Verify installed filesets | lppchk -v | rpm -V <package> |
List files in a fileset/package | lslpp -f <fileset> | rpm -ql <package> |
List running kernel modules | genkex | lsmod |
Insert module | N/A (dynamic) | insmod and modprobe |
Unload modules | N/A (dynamic) | rmmod and modprobe |
List memory installed | bootinfo -r | free, procinfo, and cat /proc/meminfo |
Create users | mksuer | useradd |
Change user details | chuser | usermod and chage |
Delete users | rmuser | userdel |
Create groups | mkgrp | groupadd |
Change group details | chgrp | groupmod |
Delete group | rmgrp | groupdel |
Install software | installp, smitty install, rpm, and geninstall | rpm -iv, yast -i, yast2 and yum install |
Update software | smitty update_all, installp, and rpm | rpm -Uv, yast2 and yum |
Remove software | smit install, and rpm | rpm -e, yast2 and yum |
IP configuration | smitty tcpip | yast2 network (SUSE) /etc |
IP alias | ifconfig en# alias <IP> | ifconfig eth#:1<IP> |
Network interfaces | netstat -in | ifconfig |
Network routes | netstat -rn | netstat -rn, route |
staticroutes | smitty route | /etc |
Network options | no -a | sysctl -a |
Error logs | errpt and alog | syslog, evlog, tail /var/log/messages and dmesg |
Start daemons | startsrc -s (SRC Controlled) | rc.svc_name start, chkconfig, /etc service <name> start |
Stop daemons | stopsrc -s | rc.svc_name stop, chkconfig, /etc service <name> stop |
Refresh daemons | refresh -p | rc.svc_name restart, /etc service <name> restart |
Shutdown halt | shutdown -h | shutdown -h |
Fast reboot | shutdown -Fr | shutdown -r now |
System dump | sysdumpdev -l | N/A |
Kernel tuning | vmo (virtual memory) schedo (scheduler) no (network) |
sysctl |
Change kernel | Change link in /usr |
Change in /etc/yaboot.conf |
Boot image | bosboot | lilo (SUSE) |
Change bootlist | bootlist | N/A |
System boot messages | alog | dmesg |