Azure Active Directory Sync

Azure AD syncs passwords every 2 minutes and syncs object changes every 30 minutes.

Get a view of the default sync schedule:


Azure AD sync scheduler settings:

  • AllowedSyncCycleInterval: It specifies Azure AD’s minimum synchronization interval. This is the maximum supported synchronization frequency.
  • CurrentlyEffectiveSyncCycleInterval: This displays the schedule currently in effect.
  • CustomizedSyncCycleInterval: Configure this parameter, if you want the scheduler to operate at a frequency other than the default 30 minutes.
  • NextSyncCyclePolicyType: It’s either Delta or Initial. Specifies whether the next run should merely process delta changes or do a full import and sync. The latter would reprocess any new or updated rules.
  • NextSyncCycleStartTimeInUTC: This specifies the start time of the next sync cycle.
  • PurgeRunHistoryInterval: Displays the time operation logs should be kept. Review these logs in the synchronization service manager. The default storage time is 7 days.
  • SyncCycleEnabled: This specifies whether the scheduler is conducting the import, sync, and export processes as part of its normal operation.
  • MaintenanceEnabled: This setting shows, if the maintenance process is enabled. It makes updates to the certificates/keys and deletes operations log.
  • StagingModeEnabled: Indicates whether staging mode is enabled. When this setting is enabled, it disables exports but allows import and synchronization.
  • SchedulerSuspended: This setting is set by Connect during an upgrade to temporarily block the scheduler from running.

Forcing a Delta sync on Azure AD

Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta

Forcing a Full Azure AD sync

Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Initial

Forcing a sync with the Synchronization Service Manager

To perform a Delta or full sync with the Synchronization Service Manager, please follow these instructions:

1. Launch the Synchronization Service from the Windows Start menu (located under Azure AD Connect).

2. Click on connectors.

3. Then click on the local connector.

4. Click on the Run button on the sidebar.

5. Based on your preference, select either Delta or full Synchronization, and then confirm your selection by clicking Ok.

Modifying the default sync schedule

# Run every hour
Set-ADSyncScheduler -CustomizedSyncCycleInterval 02:00:00
# Run once per day
Set-ADSyncScheduler -CustomizedSyncCycleInterval 2.0:0:0

Disabling the Azure AD Sync scheduler

Set-ADSyncScheduler -SyncCycleEnabled $false

To enable the scheduler, run the following cmdlet:

Set-ADSyncScheduler -SyncCycleEnabled $true

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